3D 乳房造影好在哪? 用文獻數據話你知!




2D? 3D? 哪個好?

為何 3D「夾胸」比較不痛?

第二代的3D乳房造影技術於2013年面世,距離至今快10年了,亦有超過200份針對有關技術的研究,本篇將會分享文獻數據的其中一些重點資訊來說說 3D乳房造影的技術優勝之處。








希望以上少少資訊能讓大家對3D乳房造影更了解,日後有新的研究數據會再更新~ 想知道香港有哪些醫院或診所提供3D乳房造影,只須按本站右上角的連結即可。


  1. Friedewald SM, Rafferty EA, Rose SL, et al. Breast cancer screening using tomosynthesis in combination with digital mammography. JAMA, 2014 Jun 25; 311(24):2499- 507, a multi-site (13), non-randomized, historical control study of 454,000 screening mammograms investigating the initial impact the introduction of the Hologic Selenia® Dimensions® on screening outcome.
  2. Rafferty E, Park J, Philpotts L, et al., Assessing Radiologist Performance Using Combined Digital Mammography and Breast Tomosynthesis Compared with Digital Mammography alone: Results of a Multicenter, Multireader trial. Radiology, 2013 Jan; 266(1):104-13.
  3. Kalra V, Haas B, Forman H, Philpotts L. Cost-Effectiveness of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis. In: Radiological Society of North America 2012 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Internet; 2012 Nov 25-30; Chicago, IL, USA. Radiological Society of North America; 2012. Available from: http://archive.rsna.org/2012/12043617.html.
  4. FDA submission P080003, P080003/S001, P080003/S004, P080003/S005
  5. Victoria AF. Exploring the Relationship Between Mammographic Breast Density and Breast Cancer. Summer 2017 Linkage Newsletter Internet. 2017 Jun 22. Available from: https://dceg.cancer.gov/news-events/research-news-highlights/2017/breast-density
  6. del Carmen MG, Halpern EF, Kopans DB, et al. Mammographic Breast Density and Race. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2007; 188(4):1147-50. del Carmen MG, Halpern EF, Kopans DB, et al. Mammographic Breast Density and Race. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2007; 188(4):1147-50.